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Memoirs of the search

And all this time, I thought finding my life-partner was the most exhausting search of all.

No-No, I was wrong.

Finding a suitable house is even more difficult.

But, there are many many similarities.

Let me explain..

Firstly, both the searches (house hunt and groom hunt) squeeze you mentally and physically, to the point where you are open to the idea of being either homeless or single. Then you have the entire junta asking you to compromise.....

The best part comes, when there is a woman-woman talk, "Beta, even your Dad is not perfect!!!You know how I put up with him. He is rarely interested in what is happening IN the house. He is so happy with his friends......." and then you catch on to random bits n pieces, "no attention..................all my destiny.......................tired.......................I compromised".

Similarly during our house hunt, we got great advice from our family and well wishers "Compromise.........we did too.Even we wanted to stay closer to city, but we didn't get any good places. See even our house is not oven...............heater conks off.......................less connectivity...............We compromised".

So one thing I realized....quite late in my life that I have to compromise. It made me feel a lot less in control, something that I really don't like. So I decided to look at the value proposition that might be on offer.

In case of our new house, which we have eventually found and moved into, the value received was decrease in cost (travel, rent, utilities, etc), a sense of prestige as the area we have moved into is one of the most sought after addresses and a bigger apartment.

As far as my life partner is concerned, the value received was intangible.....a good looking, sensible and a hassle free guy, allowing me to continue with my mindless musings (at times coming close to rants).

What more can I ask for?
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