These days, my mind wanders aimlessly. Its just that, its not used to taking a vacation. टॉप गीयर मधून फर्स्ट गीयर मध्ये यायला त्याला फार वेळ लागतोय.
As you see, I was working for past few years in Mumbai. So my mind is conditioned to think 24*7 about the next step, the plan B, the issues that can crop up in a project, and so on.
So my dear mind does what it is (rather was habituated) supposed to....keep thinking and thinking and thinking….rather…it keeps on running non-stop just like the local trains in Mumbai do.
Some of the excerpts of my endless thinking:
“Hmmm its November...nothing much to do...Aniket's (Husband) at work...let me search for work too....जर मी वर log in केल तर? (And I log in, and find a few job listings and I apply.)
Apply तर केलय. जर कॉल आला तर? सही Man!!!! I will crack this interview. म्हणजे माला ही जॉब लागेल. जर माला जॉब लागला तर!!!! सही होईल ना!! I will earn too and that would mean no dependence on Aniket. जर माझी salary, one-fourth spend केली and three-fourth save केली तर सही रे सही!!!! तर मी पण Kalverstraat (the shopping area of Amsterdam city......its home to some biggest domestic and International brands......the most expensive street to take your girlfriend/wife/daughter/mother too) ला जाईन n shop करीन.
But wait, do they have my size clothes here????Oh Shit Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Theres no place for mid-women (women who are not thin..but not obese either...and who don't fall in the slim category) in this world. I mean what the F*&# Man!!!!!
Why? why? why?...why? is this world promoting the idiotic size zero....Hah!!! That Kareena Kapoor...shes started looking like a stick after her size zero...Man and she eats everything yet shes so thin!!!!!!....That reminds me, I have made some pulav for lunch today...Okay.the pulav still looks good and smells great....Aniketला पण आवडला aahey...I can make it for his tiffin sometime...Maybe माझ्या tiffin साठी पण बंवेन.....................................जर माला जॉब लागला तर.
Whew!!! That was in a span of 30 seconds!!!!! I need to relax.......
“ॐओंsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss मॐ".
“Yeah yeah...I am relaxing, Mom says that we lose weight when we relax.....
ओंsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss म... जर मी 3 kgs a month...या रेटने वजन लूज केल तर probably, in the next six months I can lose 20 kgs (18 kgs plus 2 kgs of bargaining for doing all the hardwork)..Hmmm म्हणजे असा झाला तरच I will be a size that can be easily found in the stores here in Amsterdam and then maybe anywhere else...... छा Man!!! जर मी बारीक असते तर....."
This one took even less of my brain time.
The other day, I was looking at real estate prices for properties…
“Shit….a crore!!!!!That too in Mulund!!!!!!!What nonsense… prices have really escalated..आता Amsterdamच घ्या ना. Look at prices here…rentalsअच पहा ना…for that area outside the city….the rent (exclusive utilities) is Eu1500 per month…हट मेल्यान्नो!!!! त्यापेक्षा मी city मध्ये छोटया घरात राहेन. Atleast सगला कही जवळ आहे इथून.आता London आणि Sydney मध्ये पण पहा ना!!!घर घेणा मुश्किलच झाले!!!!!!!कायच्याकाय या किमती!!!! काय चाललय हे?? Middle class माणसानी चांगल घर घ्यायचाच नाही का??
जर माझ्याकड़े पैसे असते तर मी पण एक छान घर घेतला असता..….Furniture शोधून-शोधून त्याला decorate केला असता…..लोकांचा तोंड उघडा राहिला असता इतका झकास घर असता.....जर पैसे असते तर....."
आणखी बरेच विचार माझ्या डोक्यात ये-जा करत आहेत......
जर माला तीन wishes पूर्ण करणारे Angels भेटले तर.....
जर मी TV serial/Film Director असते तर...
जर माला आजचे कुठलेही नेते भेटले तर...
जर Harry Potterच्या गोष्टी आणि बाकीच्या fairytales पण खर्या असतील तर...
.......जर आत्याबाईना मिश्या असत्या तर!!!!....